Monday, January 09, 2006

A River Called Tripoli

For any of you who thought the town of Tripoli was a coastal town in the North of Lebanon, I have some news: on my sightseeing trip there yesterday, I discovered that it's actually a river! :)

I still had fun though because Tripoli has a lot of souks and looks a bit like Damascus or Aleppo - very different from East Beirut. Somehow, I was relieved to discover this and to know that there actually are Muslim communities in Lebanon; something that is easily forgotten when you live and work in a Christian neighbourhood, like I do. Getting lost in the network of souks is a lot of fun, and like in Damascus there are different sections: a clothes section, a fruit and veggie section, a meat section, a jewelry section, and of course, a tacky-crap-section! After I spent some time in the clothes section unsuccessfully looking for a pair of rubber boots and warm socks because my shoes were seriously soaked after crossing the above river-street, I settled for a pair of stuffed-animal slippers in the shape of lions from the tacky-crap-section, because at least that way my feet would be warm once I got home. This proved to be a good calculation and I cannot describe my joy at wearing the brand new lion slippers after a day of slushing through muddy water in trainers! Luckily there is so much to distract the senses in the souks that I didn't notice it so much. There are tons of little Madrassas with black and white stonework, and Khans (storage rooms) from several centuries ago, and incense and tea and the sweets that Tripoli is famous for....I bought some from an old man in a little shop - they're the best. And of course there's the castle, which I will have to visit next time since it's basically a lot of ruins under the sky and I wasn't up for that in the rain. Anyway I'm definitely going back, it's a really nice day trip.


Booteeful said...

Hi Eva! It's fun to follow your adventures online! Great photos, too! I have made a new non-knitting blog (most people apparently find knitting boring!) at Take care! h x. (ps Berlin was coooolllldddd!!!! ;-)

laurie et guillaume said...

salut eva! wow all that rain, makes me feel soggy! it is good to read your news and see you are moving around a lot. c'est un coin du monde que j'ai tellement de mal à imaginer...mais qui me rend bien curieuse. c'est vraiment chouette que tu en profites comme ca. i wish i could come, and check out those lion slippers! bring them along if you come visit me cause it gets real cold here in the mountains: it was snowing yesterday!
i am spending time on the net today looking up things on the Trieve, a region south of grenoble where i will probably be doing my internship! exciting, but also strange because i've nver been there, and will have to start from scratch again. oh well, getting used to it!
love, laurie

Anna said...

wow, i like the pics!

dunno about potential dates for a visit yet, seem to have been bombarded with work :( but will look into it, lebnaan is definitely on my list, and so are you... i can't believe it's been 3.5 years?!?

i will make an effort at updating my blog soon.

take care t-bag
