Thursday, December 01, 2005

What happened to the cat

Yesterday I was walking home from work and came across a terrible sight. This orange, stripey cat was lying in the street, on its side, flipping its tail. At first I thought it was just having a nap or something, but then a car passed really close to it and it didn't move. Apparently it had been hit by a car and couldn't get up anymore to walk out of the road. I walked up to it and saw that it was bleeding and having difficulty breathing and was probably in a lot of pain.
So what was I supposed to do? There were lots of people around and everybody was ignoring the cat. I considered picking it up but then what would I have done with it? I looked at the shop owner who stood nearby and was looking at the whole scene, but he just looked away.

Finally, after pondering this for some time and feeling really helpless, I walked away because I decided that I personally could not help the cat (except maybe hold its paw while it was dying, but then I don't know if cats appreciate that kind of thing and plus, it was in the road) and that nobody was around to help it either. Basically, I just left it there to die!! Later, I was telling myself that not very many people have pets here (most of the cats in the neighbourhood live out of the thrash cans, although there are some pet cats and I have seen at least one pet dog), and that there were probably no vets around who could take care of a cat.

However, I was feeling bad about this line of argument later because I, of course, never tried to find a vet and help the cat but just walked away. And, come to think of it, people have bloody plastic surgery here all the time and everybody in my neighbourhood has servants (Filipinas who in the morning get to wash the shiny SUVs their employers drive and go shopping with their 'masters' in the supermarket in the afternoon, pushing the heavy trolley while the master selects the products for them to carry), so why wouldn't there be pets and, by implication, vets as well? I just didn't want to deal with it because I didn't want to look like a stupid European who cares too much about pets when that is not part of the culture here.

Am I going to burn in hell (who wants to meet up there)? Are all cats going to hate me now? Does it make a difference to the way the world is going? Does it matter at all? What would you have done in my place??

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